RA9003 – Top 5 Things you need to know about the ECOLOGICAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ACT

  1. There is a law that promotes environmental protection and public health that is already in effect for 18 years.  It is Republic 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act.  The said law created the following:
    1. Environmental Management Bureau of the DENR.  Under this bureau, the National Solid Waste Management Commission was created to design solid waste management plans with the Local Government Units.
    1. Material Recovery Facility in every Barangay as required by the EMB
  2. It is Illegal to to throw your trash without segregating it.  LGUs are instructed to collect segregated trash only.
  3. That you may be fined PHP 1,000.00 to PHP 1,000,000.00 and be imprisoned up to 6 years for littering in public places.
  4. Companies are given tax exemptions for importing machinery that can aid on solid waste management.
  5. Any citizen can file a case for FREE, against any person who violates the said act.

In addition to these, did you know that the solid waste is the number one pollutants of our bodies of water?